Thursday, June 26, 2014

Let the Canadian Rockies Ramble begin!

Good morning from Alberta, just north of the border!

Today is the beginning of the Monacos-in-Motion Ramble Through the Rockies caravan. This great adventure will be led by Paul and Betsy Hughes, and Don and Norma Preston as our rally masters.

The kick off begins at the Canadian Barn Dance CG in Hillspring, Alberta, where eight Monaco motorhomes will gather...a total of 17 happy campers.

This is a travel club led by members, FOR members, all Monaco owners. Our rally masters have a ton of fun already planned out for this 19-day adventure.

Dick Bell volunteered to be the "tail gunner," the last to leave the CG each day. He has tools and know-how to help with mechanical stuff. I was asked to blog about our adventure, so here goes.

Everyone pulls together to make the trip a fun and successful one. Follow along, and leave us a howdy! I will blog as often as able to find internet...and in between being busy having fun and seeing another part of our beautiful continent.

Happy travels!
Sandy Bell

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


  1. I love that you have a blog dedicated to this adventure. Everyone can go back and relive the event as well as all the pictures that I'm sure will appear at some point. Too fun.

    Have a fabulous day. ♥♥♥

  2. How-deee! Can't wait to follow along! Canadian Miles & Smiles, here we come!

    big hugs xoxo

  3. HELLO, Monacos-in-Motion! The Ehlenbergs, Murleys, and I are camped on the shores of the Gulf of Alaska in Homer! We will look forward to following your adventures as you trek through the Rockies and as we trek through the 49th state! Our blog is if you want to check in on us.
    Best regards and safe travels!!
    Rich Halverson
    aka Alaska Odyssey

  4. For some reason, the previous post cut off the blog address! It is
    Rich H.
