Monday, June 30, 2014

Oki from Alberta!



That simply means “hello” in the Black Foot language, as taught to us by native guide Tess, yesterday at Head-Smashed-In-Buffalo Jump Heritage Site.  It is possibly the oldest, largest, and best preserved of the many buffalo jump sites across the Western Plains.

We heard stories of the ancient buffalo hunting culture, discovered how the early Plains Peoples P1220061survived for more than five thousand years before the arrival of the Europeans.  Buffalo hunting declined with the introduction of the horse and the gun.  Europeans brought disease, trade goods, and new economic forces that led to the near extinction of the buffalo that had been a mainstay for food, shelter, clothing and other useful items.

The Plains People were ingenious in how they lured the buffalo to their death over this cliff.  Everyone pitched in to process and use all of the buffalo parts necessary for daily survival.  It was a true village effort to merely survive.


They came from “that way.”  Note the plains down below in the background…they extend down to Old Man River, which was a major water source and village compound for the Plains Peoples:


After lunch at the cafĂ© at the site, we headed a bit N to historic Fort Macleod.  There we stepped back in time with another informative tour, learning about the challenging early years of the NWMP, now known as the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP).




We had gotten so much education that some needed to go back to the coach to nap…because we had to have strength to go eat…again.  We drover back to a place in Waterton Village; the food was good; but the service was S.L.O.W.

These sightings were worth the trip—lucky us, Wilt, and Barbara got to see this “bear jam” after dinner.  The first little guy (gal?) was just off the road (same bear):



These two were just a few yards further down the road, up on the hillside:


Woohoo…exciting!  Yay, Alberta.

Caravans are sooo much fun!  Today, will find us moving to a different CG.  Stay tuned for details.

Life is good…on the road again!  Smiles and smiles…

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Carriages and other stuff

The group had a great day at the Remington Carriage Museum.  Read more about it here.




Oh, we saw a herd of mountain goats in Red Canyon that were sooo cute:


They sure didn’t like the road traffic!

Another fabulous day is planned for us today.  We are visiting a fort, and a few other places, so it will be a long day.

We are up for that. 

The weather is cool but sunny, so we are thoroughly enjoying that.  WYWH!

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Waterton Lake boat cruise

Waterton is a quiet, uncrowded National Park, offering the perfect place to view spectacular scenery and wildlife.  In this breathtaking part of the world, the majestic Rocky Mountains rise suddenly out of the rolling prairies.  Amid the peaks are the lakes of Waterton Lakes National Park, carved out of the rock by ancient glaciers.  Old.  We enjoyed a nice, two-hour boat ride on Waterton Lake yesterday:



We didn’t spot any bears, but we did see a bald eagle:


Afterward, we headed to the Prince of Wales Hotel for lunch.  Built in 1927, this historical hotel sits high on a bluff overlooking the Waterton Village.  And the food and conversation was excellent:




During a ride through lovely Waterton Village, we spotted a mule deer munching grass right in town!  Next, we drove through Red Rock Canyon, but didn’t spot anything more than a few ground squirrels.  Bugger.  Where were the bears?  Where were the moose???

Back at the CG, we had a short social gathering just before dinner here at the Barn.  The food was great, but the entertainment afterward was even better!  Mom, Dad, two sons (23 & 16), Grandpa, and Uncle Larry.  Lots of talent and another even larger production scheduled for tonight.  Wow!

And more ramblin’ to do today before the fun stuff tonight.

Sunshine and smiles all around.  WYWH, y’all!

Friday, June 27, 2014

Food, friends, and fun!

The rain didn't dampen the spirits of these hardy campers! Everyone was parked and ready for the 5:00 social hour, a time for getting acquainted with new friends, and greeting old friends...followed by grilled steaks with all the trimmings, provided by our rally masters. What a kick off!

Leader Paul H went over our excellent daily caravan guide booklet with us after dinner; had everyone make sure their family radio was set properly, and explained how the caravan would work. So far, so good. You are getting us trained, and spoiled already.

Rotating carpools are set up so that everyone rides with different couples each day on our excursions to get better acquainted. And as Paul said, we can complain about the rally masters! Somehow, I don't think that will be an issue.

Great first evening, Paul, Betsy, Kathy, Don and Norma.

We depart the CG promptly at 8:45 today for a boat cruise, lunch, and our first view of Waterton National Park.

Jacket. Check

Water. Check

Camera. Check

We're ready to roll! And no one has to cook tonight. We have dinner AND entertainment at the CG tonight. Woohoo!

Did I mention that we are being spoiled?


Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Hillspring, Alberta

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Let the Canadian Rockies Ramble begin!

Good morning from Alberta, just north of the border!

Today is the beginning of the Monacos-in-Motion Ramble Through the Rockies caravan. This great adventure will be led by Paul and Betsy Hughes, and Don and Norma Preston as our rally masters.

The kick off begins at the Canadian Barn Dance CG in Hillspring, Alberta, where eight Monaco motorhomes will gather...a total of 17 happy campers.

This is a travel club led by members, FOR members, all Monaco owners. Our rally masters have a ton of fun already planned out for this 19-day adventure.

Dick Bell volunteered to be the "tail gunner," the last to leave the CG each day. He has tools and know-how to help with mechanical stuff. I was asked to blog about our adventure, so here goes.

Everyone pulls together to make the trip a fun and successful one. Follow along, and leave us a howdy! I will blog as often as able to find internet...and in between being busy having fun and seeing another part of our beautiful continent.

Happy travels!
Sandy Bell

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad